Campus Life

Roadrunners share study and self-care tips for finals week

Final exams begin tomorrow, and students across campus are preparing to #finishboldy.

"When the end of the semester is close, finals are something that every student starts to worry and stress about," Angel Villalobos, junior marketing major at Dalton State, said. "But there are ways to manage those feelings."

We spoke with a few Roadrunners who shared study and self-care tips they use to manage stress and find success during finals week.

Ash Knight
Sophomore, BA Communication

Best study tips: One day at a time
I will say one of my best tips is to not feel overwhelmed all at once. With studying you need to take it one day at a time. I recommend breaking it down into different parts each day, so you feel less overwhelmed.

Self-care and stress management: Find your outlet
Self-care has been something I've used to manage my stress better during finals. I'll get a portrait and usually paint or draw. However, this is different for everyone. Find what you feel most comfortable to unwind with.

Go-to study space: Library, coffee shop
When it comes to studying on campus, I usually try to find a place in the library. Limit distractions around you as well for a quieter environment. When it comes to studying off campus, I usually study in my room because it's most quiet. However, if I can't focus, I'll go to a coffee shop and can usually work there.

Jason Thomas
Sophomore, Criminal Justice

Best study tips: To-do lists
I keep a to-do list with everything I need to do for an entire week. I mark each point off the list as I complete it. Keeping a to-do list keeps me organized and on-track. Also, it makes sure I don’t forget about any projects until the last minute.

Go-to study space: Library
I mostly study at the library. I find that it is quieter in there than anywhere else on campus. Although the study rooms are good, I study best at the tables on the first or second floor. The fact that I am surrounded by other people studying keeps me more focused. If I were in the study rooms, I would get distracted by watching videos or social media.

Kaitlyn Townsend
Junior, BS Psychology

Best study tips: Organization, group vs. solo studying
I work hard to keep my computer files organized by keeping assignments in folders I have created for each class I am currently taking. Knowing if you can work alone or with others is also important. I will bounce between needing to be alone to focus and studying with others because I gain more motivation from having other people around me. It usually depends on what I am working on whether I need others.

Self-care and stress management: Connecting with nature
The best way to handle when I am feeling overwhelmed is to take a walk outside, around campus. It gives me a chance to reconnect with myself and calm down, as well as allowing me to connect with nature.

Go-to study space: Library
I have found that I tend to do my best form of studying in the library. The first floor allows it where you do not have to be completely silent and allows me to talk to my friends when bouncing off ideas for my assignments. The library also gives me a space where I can have complete silence when needed.

Angel Villalobos
Junior, BBA Marketing

Best study tips: Study strategy
Knowing how to study is important. Some students make cards to learn, and others take notes from the book and PowerPoints. Focus on everything, even the tiny details because those are part of learning, too.

Self-care and stress management: Being active, singing
I’m an active person, and I love to work out. It helps me physically and emotionally because I let my mind focus on my health and what I want to get from that workout, and it feels incredible how your body relaxes from all the stress. Another thing I like to do is sing. I’m a terrible singer, but I want to do it when I feel under too much pressure. I get my speaker, and I spend like 20 minutes signing. I also like to go out to run, walk and play soccer. It helps your body and mind to spend time outside and receive fresh air.

Go-to study space: Home
I prefer to study in my bedroom because I feel comfortable there.

Cameron West
Junior, BBA Management; Minor Business Analytics

Best study tips: Planning ahead and mapping out allocated times
Planning ahead is something I always recommend to everyone. Personally, I like to set aside time each day where I put myself on DND and don't let anything take away my focus. As studying can be hard when being a full-time student and working a full time job. I usually set aside 2 hours a day of just a "study debrief" to prepare myself, re-write notes, look over materials again, etc. 

Self-care and stress management: Find your resources and time
I am an advocate of finding the resources that help you. I couldn't tell you how many times I have used the resources on campus for stress management. If I am having a hard time in a class, I immediately know I can go and get tutoring for that specific area. When it comes to self-care, I like to plan certain days of the week to go out and hike, shop or just do something I enjoy. My all time favorite is running especially in this fall weather in the evenings. 

Go-to study space: Lower pope, Mountain
I thrive in chaos, so when it comes to studying I find lower pope to help me be able to study while I see others studying, working and completing their work. However, I am a big nature person, so studying at the mountains will always be my favorite spot. Why not enjoy a beautiful view and study all in one? 

posted 12/04/2023 in Academics



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